Lotr two towers extended edtion bittorent
Lotr two towers extended edtion bittorent

lotr two towers extended edtion bittorent

I do like the fact that the Aragorn we get in the books isn’t afraid of the role he has to fulfill in the future. Aragorn is presented here both as a ranger and as a future king, as he is able to command armies yet is still an excellent hunter and tracker. It is here that Gimli and Legolas’ relationship as friends grows more, especially with the running tally of their kill list. Because of this, the interludes in which we are presented with Merry and Pipping with Ents become a welcome respite. Most of the parts that have Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas in them are quite an action packed and are fast paced. Technically speaking, however, they spent most of their journey at the outskirts of Mordor and end with them going into Mordor, as the stretch of land from Emyn Muil to Mordor is pretty vast. The second part of the book starts where “The Fellowship of the Ring” left off, and follows Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee as they begin their long, dreary and perilous journey into Mordor. It also follows what happened to Merry and Pippin after being taken by Saruman’s Uruk Hai army, them meeting the Ent named Treebeard, and them eventually meeting up with the rest of the Company at Isengard. The first part of the book follows Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn in their search for Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took, and ends with them in the land of Rohan. “The Two Towers” picks up where “The Fellowship of the Ring” left off, but is told in a different way. From this encounter, the hobbits receive enough food to continue their quest. Faramir, the brother of Boromir, shows them hospitality in a wilderness fortress and they exchange their tales. They run into a group of men from Gondor and slowly begin to trust them.

lotr two towers extended edtion bittorent

He tells them that there is another way, and they begin another long walk. First, Gollum leads them to the main gates that cannot be entered. The hobbits force him to lead them into Mordor. They find Gollum, a creature who once bore the Ring, and who has been following them for some time. When it becomes apparent that the forces of Sauron are afoot, Gandalf rides off in the other direction to prepare to fight the lord of darkness.įrodo and Sam move closer to Mordor with great difficulty.

lotr two towers extended edtion bittorent

Gandalf breaks Saruman’s staff and announces that he is cast from the council of wizards. Saruman tries to get Gandalf to join him. Gandalf ascends the stairs to speak to him. Saruman has retreated to the inner stronghold. Merry and Pippin recount their tale and the defeat of Isengard. Gandalf rides to Isengard and the Company of the Ring is almost united, excluding the two other hobbits and Boromir. They elect to rouse the forest and attack Isengard themselves. He is enraged by the tale of the evils around and gathers the long-dormant ents. There, they meet the ent, Treebeard, who takes them to his home and listens to their stories. When the Riders of Rohan surround them, one of the orcs tries to get away with them but is killed. Merry and Pippin are hauled around by the orcs for several days. They meet Eomer, a marshal of Rohan who hears their tale and offers them horses to look for the hobbits even though his men just killed the orcs. They travel into the land of Rohan and see that the band of orcs is travelling very quickly toward Isengard, the fortress of the once good wizard, Saruman. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli pursue the orcs. Boromir dies trying to stop a band of orcs from kidnapping Merry and Pippin.

lotr two towers extended edtion bittorent

Here is Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien Book Summary :įrodo and Sam depart for Mordor with the Ring of Power.

Lotr two towers extended edtion bittorent